....and by "I" I mean this blog. I'm more than halfway through my first year of motherhood. It's harder than I expected, and so I'm constantly seeking counsel, affirmation, re-affirmation, and guidance. My mom actually didn't work the first 5 years of my life, nor did my husband's mom. As I think about me and my friends, I think we need a rolodex of role models. Clearly for decades and generations (and heck, ever) women have been mothering and working and wifing. Still, I wonder how they did it then, and how women are doing it now.
So I find myself asking other moms again and again, "how do you do it?". I thought it would be great to capture some of these answers because often I've found some really helpful advice and support...and I just need more of it.
I also thought a diverse collection of answers would be useful because while some of the responses I get really resonate with me, others don't. Some answers prove that other working moms are simply better than I am (e.g. "I wake up at 3:30 in the moring every morning and start my day..."). Other answers make me wonder what happened to my mommy instinct (e.g. "I just couldn't imagine going back to work after he was born"). But I know these answers are totally legit and would totally resonate with another mom....or even me depending on the day/month/year!
I figure if there is a place with enough diverse answers from diverse women, women will be able to find answers that fit with who they are, and with what their lifestyle, hopes, dreams, mental and emotional capacity are. Or selfishly, at least I will find answers!
This will constantly be a work in progress...and disclaimer: this work is being progressed by a mom with a relatively demanding job so progress may sometimes be slow :-).
Still, I hope this becomes living, breathing, and useful.
All the best,
Wondering Mama